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Trillolara's Leaders


Age 11 1-500 years, Age 11 is still on going

The tale of Trillolara’s Leaders starts after the Doom of Licieria.

for King Mara-Tu Queen Lara ( Start of Trillolara leaders. )
3 years Age 11 1-4

Both died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from what is now the Plains of Dareth. Age 11 year 1 square stone keep introduced early Age 11, square stone wall tower introduced Age 11 stone town walls become common introduced In homage to The Last Queen, it was many years before a Queen was the primary ruler of Trillolara.
King Kha-Tu 3 years Age 11 4-7 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from the Sea of Ghanuu. Age 11, year 5 Bailey enlarged for additional space introduced
King Var 2 years Age 11 7-9 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from Traql.
King Wes-Tu Queen Ghan 3 years Age 11 9-12 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from the Plains of Emptiness. She died while riding to the King’s funeral of no known cause.
King Adalrd-Tu 5 years Age 11 12-17 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from the Plains of Emptiness.
King Bara-Tu 3 years Age 11 17-20 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from the Plains of Emptiness.
King Chu-Tu 3 years Age 11 20-23 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from the Sea of Ghanuu.
King Kar-Shu-Tu 4 years Age 11 23-27 He died of mysterious causes. He was the one exception in the years Trillolara was beset by invaders.
King Hamar-Tu 3 years Age 11 27-30 Died two weeks after battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from the Nomad Plains.
King Panta-Tu Queen Farnal 5 years Age 11 30-35 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from the Plains of Emptiness. She died while riding to the King’s funeral of no known cause.
King Restar-Tu 3 years Age 11 35-38 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from out of the ground near the Nomad Plains.
King Kara-Tu Queen Chesh 3 years Age 11 38-41 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from the Sea of Ghanuu. She died while riding to the King’s funeral of no known cause.
King Shul-Tu 2 years Age 11 41-43 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from The Isle of Fools.
King Ghalana-Tu 2 years Age 11 43-45 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from The Isle of Fools. Age 11, year 45 Barbicon stone rectangular add-on to a castle introduced
King Tarn-Tu Queen Xela 3 years Age 11 45-48 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from The Isle of Fools. Xela vanished an hour after the King died. She was a hireling of the pirates on The Isle of Fools. After the Fortress of Kra The Stout-Hearted is built in the year 47, the Plains of Emptiness is called The Great Open.
King Ghala-Tu 4 years Age 11 48-52 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from The Great Open.
King Jann-Tu 5 years Age 11 52-57 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from Sea of Ghanuu in a fleet of triremes. A ship type never seen in Trilolara before this.
King Daran-Tu Queen Chesu 4 years Age 11 57-61 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from The Great Open. She died while riding to the King’s funeral of no known cause. The mysterious deaths of the queens finally roused so much curiosity and carefulness, the Undead of The Dead Forest changed tactics. They stopped using spell casters porting in using magic, and shifted to physical assaults. They decided the Trilolarans would continue spell research if the Queens kept on dieing mysteriously. The Undead were too late in making this assessment.
King Sharal-Tu 4 years Age 11 61-65 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from out of the ground near the Nomad Plains.
Queen Bara-Tu 2 years Age 11 65-67 She died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from the Plains of Dareth.
King Larn-Tu 5 years Age 11 67-72 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara
King Hala-Tu 3 3 years Age 11 72-75 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from The Great Open.
King Gah-Tu Queen Pa-Nah 4 years Age 11 75-79 Their rooms exploded, no cause could be found. Age 11, year 75 Barbicon stone round add-on to a castle introduced
King Shar-Tu Queen Shess 12 years Age 11 79-91 The quick deaths of the King and Queen were believed to have ended with this royal couple, but that was not to be for many years. The Undead sent to attack them failed in their journey for some unknown reason.
King Jann-Tu 3 1 year Age 11 91-92 Died while hunting, killed by a mysterious barbed arrow of a type never seen in the area before. The Riders of Seela would have known the arrow type, it was used by some of the Undead that attacked Licieria.
King Gah-Tu 2 Queen Xortah 3 years Age 11 92-95 Both died while traveling to Kmoj. One of the escort made it back to the capital. Two troops of cavalry were sent, only one rider returned, he died a short time later. The only thing he said was ‘great evil helping ogres and trolls’. King Gah-Tu 2 married Queen Xortah, she was to have married King Jann-Tu 3
King Jann-Tu 4 4 years Age 11 95-99 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from The Great Open.
King Har-Nal 2 Queen Shala-Tu 9 years Age 11 99-108 He died in battle against evil groups attacking Trillolara from The Great Open. Age 11, year 100 Bailey enlarged enough for protection for lord and garrison introduced Age 11, year 100 Dtranyo Castle, really a manor house of wood, introduced
Queen Shala-Tu 2 King Wala-Nah 17 years Age 11 108-125 Age 11, year 110 hexagonal stone keep introduced
King Gah-Tu 3 Queen Zar-Nah 25 years Age 11 125-150 Age 11, year 127 inner and outer bailey, extensive protection introduced
King Har-Nal 3 Queen Tor 44 years Age 11 150-194
King Gah-Tu 4 Queen Shella 83 years Age 11 194-277 Age 11, year 200 round stone keep introduced Age 11, year 200 hexagonal stone towers introduced Signed a Treaty with Kmoj due to repeated incursions by Orcs, Giants, and Trolls. Kmoj renamed to Fondfield and made a district military headquarters. Forlorn Keep is built in the year 205. The Foretress of Kra The Stout-Hearted is reworked to take advantage of improvements in castle making, Year 204-215.
King Jann-Tu 5 Queen Shella 2 43 years Age 11 277-320 Age 11, year 302 round stone towers introduced
Queen Tar-Tu 4 King Wala 20 years Age 11 320-340
King Gah-Tu 5 Queen Shella 3 40 years Age 11 340-390
Queen Shala-Tu 3 29 years Age 11 390-419 Adopted Sharalan in Age 11 405 Shala-Tu 3 was the last of her Family Line, The Shen-Tu Family dies out with her death

Queen Sharalan Consort Shan-Tor 80 years Age 11 419-479 Both murdered by Tak-Shun in 479, proven in 480. Tak-Shun was ordered executed by the Upper House He vanished from the castle before he could be arrested. The few that saw him vanish reported him slowly fading, unable to be attacked, yet he could attack with magic and thrown weapons. This causes an upsurge in magical research in all spell types. Many spell caster groups work diligently in getting a wide variety of caster types, and their spells, working. The various elf and gnome peoples help as well due to incursions of Dark Elf armies into their territories. Since Trillolarans, good Elves, and good Gnomes have been researching since the year 62, the needs were fulfilled quickly.
King Tak-Shun 1 year Age 11 479-480
King Garto Queen Fran 15 years Age 11 480-495 King and Queen becomes elective with Garto and Fran, By order of The Upper House The leader of Trillolara must now be a Bard 23. It was felt that with the weapons skills and spells available to a Bard 23, the leader so equipped stood a much better chance of surviving an attack by Evil.

King Shantar Queen Julinah Age 11 495- present

Categories South Hemisphere, Trillolara

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