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Charga-Tarn and Chala-Tarn, Grand Isle of Karenth



Chala-Tarn and Charga-Tarn area map some buildings are located in different places.


1) East Gate
2) Keep
3) Keep
4) Tax office
5) Inn
6) South Gate
7) Keep
8) Keep
9) South Garrison
10) City Park
11) Militia Barracks and families
12) West Militia Barracks and families
13) North Militia Barracks and families
14) Fisher Guild
15) Merchant Guild
16) Mayor’s House
17) Inn owner’s house
18) General Store
19) town lake
20) Southeast Militia Barracks and families
21) Inn Stables

H1 through H26 are single family dwellings

M1 through M6 Merchant Guild Residences

The bright green areas are for gardening if the town comes under siege.

Categories Outer Ocean

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