The Kelna Mountains run the length of this continent.
The large forests are marked: Barasha, Forest of the Pass, Fornal Forest, and Ghustar Forest.
Two very large bays, each with its own city.
This continent is about 8500 miles long and about 5400 miles wide.
Large bays, high cliffs along Thunder falls. Farm land, trading ports. Humans, half-elves, a few elves. Dwarves and gnomes.
The Gloom is a series of damp hills and gloomy forests.
The dwarves live in the border area of Ash Mountains. The other end of Ash mountains have a few active volcanoes.
Bar-Ara Land is home to gnomes, half-elves, and halflings.
Grand Duchy of the Royal Moonraker is a feudalistic republic in the northern hemisphere, on the Zor continent. The architecture here is older than most other places.
Map is 15,000 by 7,000 miles.
The only ocean deep in the Northern Hemisphere. There are rumors of a sunken city on the edge of the deep, over a mile down. The light color ruins is the possible ghost city. The other one, upper left part of the deep, is claimed to be the location of a sunken city for the recent past.
Located between the continents Darshan, to the northwest, and Zor, to the north east. North is at the top of this map.
Yellow arrows, warm surface currents.
Light blue arrows, cool to cold sub-surface currents.
Light area to lower right is part of The Gray Ocean.
New map, July 2, 2020, made with the July, 2020 Annual issue from Profantasy.